Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Unsecured Loans, the Better-Way to Grow Your Business

Dear all, especially small business owners, if we want to grow our own business, while our cash availability is limited there are at least two options that we may choose. The first option is using our credit cards to support our financing. But, this option will usually have resulted in high interest. Furthermore, this option may damage our personal credit scores because of some reasons, such as late payments as we are too busy running our business that we forgot about our personal credit cards bills, Maxed-Out credit cards, etc.

The second option is Unsecured Loans financing. This option will have more benefits for our business since this type of business loans can protect our personal credit, boost our credibility, get more unsecured financing, impress lenders, win more customers, etc. As the second option is more feasible, I recommend you to choose this option to grow your existing business or to start your new one. But, one thing you must consider when you choose this option is about to whom you will give your trust to.

If you are really serious about building amazing business loans to grow your own business and obtaining the most unsecured loans, ranging from small business loans up to $250,000+ in the shortest amount of time without any personal guaranties, then look no further than BusinessCreditMagic.com. You will have a lot of helpful information here, since it has 7 years of experiences and research in unsecured business financing through its sister company EZUnsecured.com.

Have a nice browsing, and good luck.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Planet Energy. Audit Energy_Boiler (Steam)_2

Pembaca "Planet Energy" yg budiman, beberapa langkah yg perlu dilakukan di lapangan untuk pemeriksaan / audit energy Boiler (Steam), audit operasional Boiler atau audit Boiler yg lebih teliti meliputi: (Sambungan dari: Audit Energy_Boiler-Steam)

1. Material (asumsi: Batubara)
- Pastikan bahwa jumlah batubara mencukupi untuk periode waktu yg sudah ditetapkan. Tetapi perlu dipastikan, bahwa jumlah stock tidak terlalu banyak yang menyebabkan stock menjadi Slow / Non Moving, tetapi juga tidak terlalu sedikit, sehingga bisa menyebabkan operasional Boiler terganggu.

Ini adalah masalah Inventory Management dan Supply Chain Management (Manajemen Rantai Pasokan).
Inventory Management dan Supply Chain Management yg memadahi akan membantu efisiensi dan efektifitas operasional Boiler.

Pembaca "Planet Energy" yg budiman, masalah efektifitas dan efisiensi Inventory Management dan Supply Chain Management ini perlu mendapat perhatian auditor operasional Boiler (audit Boiler) atau audit Steam .

- Pastikan bahwa kualitas batubara sesuai spesifikasi mesin, baik kalori maupun ukurannya (fine atau Lump, di-mixing atau tdk dsb). Apabila ditemukan bahwa kualitas batubara tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi yg ditentukan dalam order pembelian atau yg dibayar, maka bisa dilakukan pengujian.

Planet Energy.